About Us
At Claimstant, We understand that withstanding the delays in the settlement of your commercial vehicle insurance claim can be painful. Over and above the pain of the mishap that put your vehicle out of commission, and over and above the inevitable time it takes to get your vehicle roadworthy, the additional pain point is the time it takes for your claim to be settled, in order to onroad your roadworthy vehicle. This part of the economic loss to the commercial vehicle owner and his dependents is one that can be well be avoided.
That's why we are here to revolutionise the disbursal of claim settlements. With our cutting-edge claim discounting services which are easy to use, we shorten the waiting time to onroad your vehicle by discounting your claim within 24 hours of your application.*
Our Mission
At Claimstant, our mission is clear – to empower individual commercial vehicle owners and businesses by reducing the wait time for their vehicle insurance claim settlements. We believe that everyone deserves to get the most out of their insurance payouts, and that time is one of the key factors to ensure this. Our innovative approach ensures that the wait time on your claim settlement is greatly reduced - so that your vehicle can go back to being of economic value to you at the earliest possible time, say within 24 hours of your application.*